Salmon Recovery
Salmon may indeed be on their way back. This past month (Aug. 2023), local anglers reported catching juvenile chinook salmon and sockeye on the Columbia near Trail and Castlegar.
Experience World Class Sport Fishing On The Columbia River!
Salmon may indeed be on their way back. This past month (Aug. 2023), local anglers reported catching juvenile chinook salmon and sockeye on the Columbia near Trail and Castlegar.
When I first moved to Trail in 1999, I was unfamiliar with the walleye and its big, vacant eyes, coarse scales, and dagger-sharp teeth. I’ve learned a lot since then…
An incredibile angling experience is to see an 8-foot white sturgeon glide by your boat or a 300-pounder take to the air. Encounters with this prehistoric species can be common.
On the Columbia River, Northern Pike are an invasive species that threaten the rainbow trout fishery. There is currently a $10/fish bounty on pike.
The economic impact of mussel colonization can be staggering and have devastating affect on municipal water treatment systems.