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2664 Norns Road, Pass Creek (Castlegar), BC, V1N 4T3
Chillbilly Sportfishing Charters offers many different types of outings, but the most popular trip is the 8-hour drift down the Columbia for rainbow trout from May to September. On a typical trip clients meet their guide at the old Robson ferry landing at 12:30pm to load their gear, ice, snacks and other necessities into the 16-foot Hyde drift boat. The boat can accommodate the guide and 3 spin-casters, or 2 fly fishers. At 1:00 pm you will cast off and immediately start fishing on productive waters.
2612 4th Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2R9
Toll Free (Reservations)
(800) 554-5684
(250) 365-5771(250) 365-5771
(250) 365-4609(250) 365-4609
2243 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2W1
2000 Columbia Ave, Castlegar, BC V1N 2W7
1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2Y2
Toll Free (Reservations)
(800) 780-7234
1944 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2W7
Toll Free (Reservations)
(800) 726-3626
(250) 365-8444(250) 365-8444
(250) 365-8423
651 18th Street, Castlegar, BC, V1N 2N1
Toll Free (Reservations)
(888) 828-5331
5220 Broadwater Rd. Castlegar, BC, V1N 4V7
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